Third week of April

Monday – Cleans + deadlift based total body strength circuit Tuesday – Short aerobic intervals – condensed Thursday – Snatch + upper body strength grinder Friday – Front squat density training + remedial work + anaerobic intervals Saturday – breathing at a rapid pace for a long time

Second week of April

Monday – Cleans + Total body (squat based) Tuesday – Deadlift + Aerobic circuits Thursday – Snatch + Total body (squat based) Friday – Deadlift + Remedial + Anaerobic Saturday – Aerobic circuits

First week of April

New phase of programming begins this week. Also, some introduction to Olympic Lifting. Monday – Cleans + deadlift based total body strength Tuesday – Short aerobic intervals Thursday – Snatch + upper body strength Friday – Front squat + remedial work + anaerobic intervals Saturday – Long aerobic intervals

Next Week!

Monday: Total body strength – front squat based Tue: CrossFit-based Aerobic training Thu: Total body strength – deadlift based Fri: Anaerobic Alactic Endurance – prowler based Sat: Aerobic circuits or CrossFit Open 13.4

Training Template for Next Week

  I’ve had a few people ask me to keep them up to speed on the training templates, and for good reason – some of them are working a marathon training program around our program – some of them are shift-workers. So, rather than emailing everyone everything, I’ll just throw something like this up on […]

13.1 Heat Schedule

Hey Everyone! The attached link will take you to the heat schedule (I hope). CrossFit HQ made things a little difficult for us with this one, and due to our lack of equipment we are borrowing from other CrossFit facilities. Since they are running classes still Saturday morning we can not pick this equipment up […]

CrossFit Open Starts Tomorrow!

(I have no idea why this picture keeps showing up as sideways on the front page!!!) Tomorrow night at the CrossFit Games site, they will announce the first CrossFit Open workout. We are very excited to be part of the CrossFit season this year by hosting 54 athletes doing their first challenge this Saturday. You […]

The Little Things

I looked at a calendar the other day and it hit me that we have been open for over a month already. Time flies when you’re doing split squats, right?! Every day I am encouraged by the improvements shown, and I hope you are too. We have a solid base right now, you are all […]

Know pain, No pain

One of the most significant challenges to writing group programming is exercise selection. When I write for my individualized clients I can take into consideration such as injuries… things like history of back pain, knee injury, or an imbalance between shoulders affect the choices I make in movement selection, the number of reps prescribed and […]