Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview Jan. 13 – Jan 18

New Foundation cycle begins this week and with it you’ll see the return of the weekly Whiteboard Workout! Our Building cycle is a full 6 months so you’ll see that continue to progress. Also all day on Friday I was promising that this was the last time we were doing tempo FS and BS. But […]

Week Preview Jan. 6 – Jan 11

We’re in our final week of this Foundation cycle. People were feeling a bit rough at the end of last week, we had some pretty heavy lifting and some tough additions, coupled with the holidays and no one knowing what day it was ever. . . But tomorrow we’re back to regular routine. Wednesday mornings […]

The Sublime Method – FOUNDATION. Lean. Mobile. Balanced. Consistent.

This post is to help members, who have some experience with the program, develop a more thorough understanding of what we’re doing and why. It’s also for anyone wondering what we do and how we do it. Ultimately, the purpose of our training is for the preservation and enhancement of our ability to move where […]

Week Preview Dec 30 – Jan 4

Back to regular schedule this week with the exception of closing early on New Years Eve (last class at 4:45) and a holiday workout on New Years Day at 10:30 am (a little later in case you do something crazy, like actually stay up until midnight). Our Harvest bin is still gonna be there until […]

Week Preview Dec 23-28

Hi guys! So it’s a holiday week for a lot of people but there’s still plenty of opportunity to get your exercise in. And believe me, you’ll feel a lot better if you do. You’ve got two opportunities to come out on Christmas Eve for our classic, The Grinch, and then we have 12 Days […]

Week Preview Dec 9-14

Ok last week of hard strength work before we take a deload week from lifting on Dec. 16. Monday Foundation: Cross Bench Pull Over, Cuban Rot., Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch, Then: Tuck ups or V ups and DB PP Building: Push Jerk Being: T2B, S2O Tuesday Foundation: Row, Calf Raise, Vups, FS, Leg […]

Week Preview Dec 2-7

Hi everyone! Our last Sublime Saturday event of 2019 is this Saturday! Join Coach Stacie for the HOPPER. We pick a few exercises and input them into the random generator and see what comes out (it’s usually something pretty normal so don’t be scared). It’s top secret though, you won’t find out what it is […]

Week Preview Nov 25-29

Monday Foundation: Incline flye, Trap 3, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep press, Bike, Bear crawl, Hollow Hold Building: Push Press Being: HSPU’s, DUs Tuesday Foundation: Skipping, Tib Raise, Back Extn, Hip Flexion, Walking Lunges, Row, WB Building: Hi Hang Pwr Snatch, Sn Deadlift or Back Squat Being: Thrusters, BJ Overs, Burpees Wednesday Conditioning & Stretch Thursday […]

Week Preview Nov 18 – 23

Monday Foundation: Cross-Bench Pullover, Cuban Rotation, Farmers Walk, Sled, Pike Stretch Building: Push Press Being: T2B, DUs Tuesday Foundation: Row, Calf Raise, Tuck ups, FS, Leg curl, Skip, Walking Lunges Building: Hang Pwr Snatch, Sn Deadlift or Back Squat Being: MU, DU’s Wednesday Conditioning & Stretch Thursday Foundation: DB Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, […]

Week Preview Nov 12 – Nov 16

Hi guys! New cycle starts right now. We have a short week so we’ll have regular programming on Wednesday. Back to having our Building portion of the program, with a really concentrated effort on building both overhead and squat strength. Both conditioning and lifting options are back on Saturdays. Tuesday Foundation: Push up, Row, DB […]