Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview March 16-21

Hey there, I know it’s probably been a crazy/scary/uncertain few days for everyone. Every time you open your social media or email it gets a bit more confusing and strange and the world seems to change a little bit more. From my end, I hope you’ve all had a chance to read the email I […]

Week Preview March 9-14

Coach Stacie offered to take over the weekly blog this week so she could add her own personal touch. So, voila: It’s an exciting week up ahead—a deload week, the last week of this cycle AND we have a Sublime Saturday event that falls on the Saturday before St. Patrick’s Day.  In honour of such […]

Week Preview March 2-7

I just wrote about this weeks whiteboard workout and then I deleted it all. Because you should just not know anything about it and just come out and have a super time. Monday Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Drive, Stretch, WB, KBS Building: Jerk Being: Add: MU’s & HSPU’s Tuesday Everyone: Whiteboard Workout Wednesday […]

The Sublime Method – BUILDING

Faster. Explosive Strength. Purposeful and systematic. This post is to help members, who have some experience with the program, develop a more thorough understanding of what we’re doing and why. It’s also for anyone wondering what we do and how we do it. A few months ago I wrote about the Foundation work. Who is […]

Week Preview Feb 24 – Feb 29

Saturdays have been BUSY at Sublime lately. This week we have endurance conditioning on Wednesday and sprints on Saturday. We skipped right over February and didn’t have any Sublime Saturdays but next one is scheduled for March 14 and we’re going for beers in the evening to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Mark it in your […]

Week Preview Feb 17 – Feb 21

We’ve got a shortened week this week so we’re doing a partner workout on Monday and a bit more of an intensive conditioning session on Wednesday (skipping the stretch portion). Monday Everyone: HOLIDAY PARTNER WORKOUT (yes we’re excited and yelling) with Claire! Tuesday Foundation: Band Pull in, Back Extn, Calf Raise, Gob Squat, Couch Stretch, […]

Week Preview Feb 10-14

We’ve got some conditioning to start this week off and then a focus on strength to finish the week off. We are open over the long weekend with a holiday class at 9:30 on Monday. Monday Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Drive, Stretch, Lunges, Shuttle Run, Bike Building: Push Press Being: T2B, S2O Tuesday […]

Week Preview Feb 3 – Feb 8

Okaaaay Building is back. We’re lightening up the movements with higher reps again so focus hard on speed, precision and technique. If Oly lifting isn’t part of your program you can still add work on push press and back squats back in if that is of interest to you. Monday Foundation: Seated Good Morning, Garhammers, […]

Week Preview Jan. 27 – Feb 1

We had a full house for the Partner Hopper on Saturday! The winning team was Brent and Cristina with Nick and Claire close behind. Deload week this week. We’ve been getting heavy with our squats and oly lifts for the past while. We’re gonna lay off that heavy lifting and switch gears to a little […]

Week Preview Jan. 20 – 25

Hi everyone, we have our first Sublime Saturday of 2020 coming up this weekend! The Partner Hopper. So pick yourself a partner this week and make a plan to come or just show up and Coach Stacie will find you a partner.   Monday Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Push, Variety Stretch, Hollow Rock, […]