Week Preview: Jan 16-19

This is the week of the Partner Hopper Challenge! What exactly is a “Hopper Challenge”? Well… there is this document that the founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, wrote years ago (2000ish) which heavily inspired me to take up CrossFit myself. In it he established 3 standards of fitness. The second standard reads like this: The essence of […]

Week Preview: Jan.9-14

So, the big boss (Kyle), is out of town and that leaves little boss (Brendan) to put together a few words. I have some very good words. The best words. But, I think we’ll have to wait ’til next week. In the meantime, here’s a tip… Do you have some big huge resolutions for 2017? […]

Week Preview: Jan.3-7

2017! Wowza. Thanks for another year of Sublime, we will be having our yearly party, but it will  be in February as both myself and Gail have week long trips in January & Jenelle and Jay are away for extended periods of time. Trying to ensure all can be there! More details to come. Another […]

Week Preview: Dec.27-31

Hope you all had a great weekend! Santa visited Sublime over Christmas as well….although currently his gifts come in the form of a Visa bill…but soon we will be unwrapping some new toys for you all to play with in 2017! Keep your eyes open. The new shirts are going fast, be sure to grab […]

Week Preview – Dec.19-24

It is time for a yearly tradition here at Sublime. Be sure to get in on Saturday December 24th to learn how the Grinch trained to steal Christmas. **Please note that we will have Holiday hours on Friday evening, December 23rd we start a little earlier and finish a little earlier, to allow our staff […]

Week Preview: Dec.12-17

Allllllllllllllrighty we are moving on from our previous cycle! Foundation begins week 1/6 and we start with an accumulation phase. Building will get plenty of opportunity to work on their Olympic Lifting as this week will be in preparation for the final Sublime Saturday Series event of 2016, The Lift Off! So, are you participating?!? […]

Week Preview: December 5 – 10

November marked the 8th month in a row that we have beat last years monthly attendance. We surpassed November 2015 by 4%, so thanks for filling the place up! The Lift Off is two weeks away and wraps up the first year of the Sublime Saturday Series. So far the lifters are as follows: Dawny […]

Week Preview: Nov. 28 – Dec.3

Congrats to Dawny and Aaron for winning The Hopper! Pictures will be up shortly. The final Sublime Saturday Series takes place on December 17th… It’s The Lift Off! We will have a team workout @9:30am, then The Lift Off will follow at 11:00. We could use voluneteers so let me know if you are free […]

Week Preview: November 21-26

Everyone survived the heavy work load this week!?! For those feeling sore and beat down, you are not alone and good news is we switch things up this week! The Sublime Saturday Series went down this weekend with the Hopper taking place on Saturday. The random generator spit out a brutal 11:00 AMRAP of 20 […]

Week Preview: November 14 – 19

How long will this weather last!? We had the overhead door open last week, it was awesome. Saw some gutsy efforts on Thursday for the WhiteBoard Workout, nice work! We slide into week 3/6 and continue on with the accumulation phase of the cycle, you will again see similar strength movements so see if you […]