Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview June 24-29

Whoa, there’s a lot going on in the programming this week! Plus we’re back to running several times. So many things to choose from. Keep in mind you do not have to do everything and please ask your coach for recommendations if you’re not sure where you want to focus your efforts. Monday Foundation: Incline […]

Week Preview June 17-22

Ashton and I made some great videos (probably not our best work, still getting the hang of it) of some of the exercises you’ll be doing this week. Check out FB or IG if you haven’t seen them yet. Monday Foundation: Cross-Bench Pullover, Cuban Rotation, SA Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch Building: Push Jerk […]

Week Preview June 10

Hi everyone! Back to regular programming with some combo conditioning and stretch on Wednesdays throughout the summer. Monday Foundation: Push ups, rowing, Ext. Rotation, Powell Raise, Sled Drag Building: Push Jerk Being: C2B, S2O Tuesday Foundation: Bike, Step Ups, Jefferson Curl, Hip Flexor Raise, Couch Stretch Building: Power Clean, Clean Grip DL or Back Squat […]

Summer, Deloading & Rest Days

At the beginning of this past week I asked a lot of you to think about how you feel and decide if you need to dial things back a bit or if you feel great and want to keep pushing. I personally know that it’s sometimes hard to know one way or the other, but […]

Week Preview June 3-8

Hi everyone! We’re going to deload Building this week, so no Oly lifting. If you have been training hard 4-5 times per week since we started this cycle then focusing on Foundation only might be in order. If you’ve been off or inconsistent for a bit and are ready to get back at it then […]

Week Preview May 27-31

Hey, back to our regular full week of programming with Wednesday as your make up day or active recovery with Stretch and Mobility work. This week Being has a special treat on Friday. 60 min AMRAP! It’s only happened once before. It may never happen again. . . Try it out! Ask your coach for […]

Week Preview May 20-25

Hi everyone, we have a fun holiday crossfit partner workout planned for Monday morning! Also, since it’s a short week, we’re gonna skip our stretch day so we can get all of our programming in. We have sprint work or Saturday – it doesn’t happen often, so when it does, dig deep to reap the […]

Week Preview May 13-20

We’re open all of the long weekend with a holiday workout with Coach Stacie on Monday at 9:30. Here’s what’s comin’ up! Monday Foundation: Sublime Mile/intervals, Incline Flye, Trap 3 Raise, Sled Drag, Curls, Tricep Ext. Building: Push Press Being: HSPU’s, DU’s Tuesday Foundation: Walking Lunges, Tib Raise, SL Back Extension, Band Pull In Building: […]

Week Preview May 6 – 11

Here’s what’s comin’ up! Monday Foundation: Cross-Bench Pullover, Cuban Rotation, Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch Building: Push Press Being: TTB, DU’s, DB Snatch Tuesday Foundation: Row, Calf Raise, Tuck ups, FR Squat, Leg Curl Building: Hi Hang Pwr Snatch + Sn Deadlift or Back Sq Being: Bike Wednesday – Stretch and Mobility Thursday Foundation: […]

Week Preview April 29 – May 4

Hi everyone, we’re having a couple changes to the schedule this week because a few (half) of us are away. Wednesday evening classes will be cancelled and Tuesday 9:45 will be changing to 8:45. We’re back to full programming with all 3 – Foundation, Building and Being – options back on the board. That makes […]