Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview Sept 2 – 7

Come join Coach Stacie for a holiday partner workout on Monday! Tuesday our next cycle begins with some barbell strength mixed back in and some old favorites – Deadlifts, Squats and Bench Press. We will have regular programming on Wednesday so we can fit it all into a short week. Monday Partner Workout!! Tuesday Foundation: […]

Week Preview Aug 26 – Sept 1

This is the last week in this cycle and it’s a deload for lifting. But we have LOTS of conditioning to keep you busy if you just want to stick to your Foundation. Plus a couple extra challenges for Building/Being like some interesting gymnastics accessory core work on Monday. The Long weekend is coming up […]

Week Preview Aug 19-24

Monday Foundation: SL Deadlift, L-sit, Split Squat, Tib Raise Building: Hang Snatch, Halting Snatch DL or Back Squat Being: MU’s, HSPU’s Tuesday Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Drive, Stretch Building: Push Jerk Being: Thrusters, HSPU’s, KBS Wednesday Foundation: Conditioning (Quad Storm) & Stretch Thursday Whiteboard Workout!! Friday Foundation: TGU, Chin ups, Sled Drag, Couch […]

Week Preview Aug 12-17

Monday Foundation: Seated Good Morning, Garhammer, Step ups, Tib Raise, Pigeon Building: Hang Snatch, Halting Snatch DL or Back Squat Being: DU’s, Squat Snatch Tuesday Foundation: Turkish Get up, Chins, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Trap 3 Raise, Cross-Bench Pullover Building: Push Jerk Being: Kipping Pull ups Wednesday Foundation: Conditioning & Stretch Thursday Whiteboard Workout – […]

Week Preview Aug 5-10

Holiday Class Partner Workout Monday the 5th at 9:30, Whiteboard Workout Friday. Open Gym is cancelled this weekend. Do something fun and active outside 🙂 Monday Holiday: Partner Workout!! Plus some sprinting (fast running) Tuesday Foundation: Band Pull-in, Back Extn, DB Calf Raise, Bottom ¼ Goblet, Couch Stretch Building: Hi Hang Power Snatch, Halting Snatch […]

Week Preview July 29 – Aug 3

We’re open regular hours on August long weekend if you are in town for any or all of that weekend. Plus, as an extra special treat, coach Ludo is getting up much earlier than he normally would to lead a holiday workout for you on Monday the 5th at 9:30! Monday Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring […]

Week Preview July 22-27

Deload is over! Lifting is back. The Whiteboard Workout is on Thursday. Monday Foundation: Seated Good Morning, Garhammers, Step-ups, Tib Raise, Pigeon Building: Hi Hang Power Snatch, Halting Snatch DL or Back Squat Being: Hang Snatch, Box Jump Over, Bar MU Tuesday Foundation: Turkish Get up, Chin-ups, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Trap 3 Raise, Cross […]

Week Preview July 15-20

Heyyyyy. Deload week. If you’ve been working on those heavy singles in the Building program you’re giving yourself a break from those this week. We’ve got quite a bit more sweaty conditioning in there to make up for it though, plus you’ve got your WB workout on Tuesday this week. Saturday we’re working on MAXIMUM […]

Week Preview July 8-13

Back to regularly scheduled programming! Monday Everyone: Whiteboard Workout!! (many, many Front Squats and Burpees) Being: Add DU’s Tuesday Foundation: Incline Bench, Ring Row, Heavy Sled Drive, Variety Stretch Building: Power Clean & Jerk Being: T2B + S2O Wednesday Conditioning & Stretch Thursday Foundation: RDL’s, L-sit, Split Squat, Tib Raise Building: Power Snatch, Clean Pull […]

Week Preview July 1-6

Hey gang, we have a new coach starting this week! Her name is Krissy and you’ve probably seen her around as she’s been shadowing at Sublime since April. Give her a warm welcome when you see her this week! Krissy is a personal trainer with 6 yrs experience training in class settings and with one-on-one […]