Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview May 25-30

Hey there, so a little good news about the potential of reopening. They’ve moved gyms into Phase 2 of the schedule and although they have yet to set a date for implementing Phase 2, we will probably see that date this coming week. It’s been suggested that it could be as early as June 1st. […]

Week Preview May 19-23

Hi everyone, alright outdoor classes continue on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday this week, weather permitting. It was so good to see some of you out this past week and I’m really looking forward to seeing more of you this week. Tuesday Running or Skipping, Split Squats, Tib Raise, Superman, Thrusters, Box Jumps/Jump Squats, Burpees Bonus: […]

Week Preview May 11 – May 16

Alright with restrictions being lightened for us, ever so slightly, we are now able to supplement our home workout program with some outdoor workouts that we can do together in small groups. For those of you that have recognized during this time apart how much you thrive on the energy of the gym and the […]

Week Preview May 4 – May 9

Okay everyone we’re into May, we’ve had a bit of nice weather, and things are looking up! You’re gonna be mad at me though, because the Whiteboard Workout is on Monday this week. We’re going start this week off right. We’re going to get going hard right off the bat! You’ll be fine. Monday Whiteboard […]

Week Preview April 27-May 2

Hi everyone! So this week: it’s your party and you can run if you want to. Don’t want to run? That’s fine. There are other things you can do. In other news, the province has said that it is looking at a plan to slowly re-open businesses. They seem to be suggesting that they will […]

Week Preview April 20-25

So it looks like the weather could improve enough that we might be able to add some running to our workouts during the last week of April. So this week I’d like you to try and determine what a 200 m run out your door looks like. So that if you run there and back […]

Week Preview April 13-18

Hi guys, oookay this week we see the return of a few of the movements that we learned in our first week of home programming. You get the opportunity to practice them again along with some new things. Monday Bear Crawl, Bicep curl, Rev Lunge, Tricep Extn, Goblet Squats, Turkish Get ups Tuesday Whiteboard Workout! […]

Week Preview April 6 – 10

“Hey everybody! So it looks like Spring might be around the corner!” That’s how I started this blog post last week. I mean, who in their right mind says that at the beginning of April? Who? Anyway, no workouts on your side walk until this snow melts but that’s ok. We’ve got a killer Whiteboard […]

Week Preview March 30 – April 3

Hey everybody! So it looks like Spring might be around the corner! We’ve had a couple amazing days to be outside for some steady state easy recovery work like walking and light jogging. And what a relief it is to breath the fresh air and get sunshine on your face. You’ve all done an incredible […]

Week Preview March 23-27

Hey there. . . so this week is gonna look a little different than last week. . . It definitely is. The past week has been a bit intense. But every time the sh*t hit the fan (and it happened MANY times) I got a text from Coach Stacie saying “You’ve got this.” And I […]