Week Preview – Dec. 8 – 13

Testing is overrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It goes without saying that we were blown away by the results. Me and Brendan spent many days looking over the sheets in disbelief. So many strong & well conditioned members within our gym. Crazy accomplishments, Curtis pulling 405 X 3 and squatting 305(?) X 3 and then a 6:52 2000M Row & a 18:32 5000M Row… that’s unreal! Man there was so much more, I don’t have the papers with me anymore so these are just off the top of my head. Nicks 5:55 Karen, Troy edging out Dougs 100 burpees in 6:17 with a 6:14 time & Robyn in 7:07. Tyler Hills 195lb Power Clean… that’s after 6 weeks, never having done lifting before! Lisa K Power Clean of 125.


Crystal finishing Karen in 7:10(?), and finally getting that 100lb Clean. People with great Christine times, Steve in just over 10:00, Greg with just over 12:00… I remember Michelle saying she beat her previous time by 40 seconds. Justine used 135lbs, and finished in under 12:00. Caitlin blew a tire, fell into the dumbbell rack, and powered through. DON! I almost forgot about Don. Benched 305lbs! Oh and Matty P! 450lb Deadlift X3! No straps or mixed grip, that’s bananas! Baseline! Kevin finished in 3:24! I think I remember Matt G. telling me he beat his previous 1RM Back Squat by 10lbs and did it 3 times. And Jocelyn put something like 30lbs on her Front Squat! We had some people who had only been with us for just over a month, they had the pleasure of doing baseline again and destroyed their previous score. I had to cut some people off on the ab wheel roll outs or they would’ve gone all day, Dorothy was holding the tuck sit for upwards of 2:00. I know I am forgetting some great accomplishments, but this is just what came to mind while writing this, sorry if I missed you! Feel free to comment anything you are proud of, it was a great 2 weeks.

gains 2

Anyway, we are moving on now peeps. Foundation begins a new 5 week cycle that will feature a Wendler(ish) style 5-3-1 for a few months, working with percentages of your maxes as we continue to progress with the lifts. Being enters week 2 of 4, prepping for the Open. And Building, we finally get to start the Building program that we have been very excited about. Over the past few months we have noticed a shift, people who decided that they really enjoy lifting, and not so much of the Crossfit conditioning pieces. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. As a gym it is our responsibility to keep you interested in fitness, all areas, not to force you into one lane. With our new Building program you are going to see optional conditioning OR strength accessory work at the end of the workout. You are welcome to choose either, depending on your goals and/or how you are feeling that day. You can choose to do 2 conditioning pieces a week, or all conditioning pieces, or all strength work, you get the drift. We will also begin playing with some Plyometric fun… we are going to start slow with this stuff, watching for any poor ankle/knee/hip function.


Here we go!





Foundation – Back Squat + Step Ups & RDL + Midline Stability

Building – Snatch + Push Press & Chin Ups + Conditioning (Skip/DB Snatch) Or Strength (DB Bench/Curls/Ring Rows)

Being – Clean & Jerk + Press + Hold onto your lunch Crossfit stuff….(Thrusters & Row)



Foundation – Press + Lactic Power work (Row/Bike)

Building – Back Squat & Lateral Jumps + RDL + Conditioning (Sled) OR Strength (Hip Ext/Midline Stability)

Being – Front Squat + MAP (DU/KBS/Burpees)



Foundation – Deadlift + Mixed Map (WB/Box Jump/Burpee/KBS)

Building & Being – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean + Front Squat & Single Leg Jump + Conditioning (Jump/Bike) OR Strength (Return of Dragon Flags! & Stability work)

Being – Snatch + Some Tough Sleddin & Bike



Foundation – TGU + Bench + Ring Row & Push Up & a couple curls to get you Friday started.

Building – Push Jerk + Bench + Conditioning (WB/Tuck Ups) OR Strength (Press/Chins/Curls)

Being – Deadlift + Rowing



Foundation – Front Squat + MAP (Row/Bike/Step Up/KBS)

Building – Back Squat + Deadlift + Rowing

Being – OPEX Winter Classic ( http://opexfit.com/events/annual-winter-classic/ )






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