Author: Claire Walsh

13.1 Heat Schedule

Hey Everyone! The attached link will take you to the heat schedule (I hope). CrossFit HQ made things a little difficult for us with this one, and due to our lack of equipment we are borrowing from other CrossFit facilities. Since they are running classes still Saturday morning we can not pick this equipment up […]

CrossFit Open Starts Tomorrow!

(I have no idea why this picture keeps showing up as sideways on the front page!!!) Tomorrow night at the CrossFit Games site, they will announce the first CrossFit Open workout. We are very excited to be part of the CrossFit season this year by hosting 54 athletes doing their first challenge this Saturday. You […]

The Little Things

I looked at a calendar the other day and it hit me that we have been open for over a month already. Time flies when you’re doing split squats, right?! Every day I am encouraged by the improvements shown, and I hope you are too. We have a solid base right now, you are all […]

Know pain, No pain

One of the most significant challenges to writing group programming is exercise selection. When I write for my individualized clients I can take into consideration such as injuries… things like history of back pain, knee injury, or an imbalance between shoulders affect the choices I make in movement selection, the number of reps prescribed and […]

Assessment Week!

[notice]Something to put on your radar! Saturday Feb 9 will be a Nutrition 101 day. We will likely do this in lieu of our regularly scheduled Saturday workout. Plan for 9AM Saturday to come down and learn some simple basics to get your nutrition dialed for performance and sexiness. This will be led by Brendan. […]

Coach’s Notes Week Three

This is the last week of our current cycle. It’s gonna be a tough one! Next week will be a lighter “deloading” week. (Sorry, that doesn’t mean it will be easier). The program to date has been based on an imaginary person! This imaginary person is new to weight training, wants to improve body composition, […]

A Job Well Done…

The Sublime family wants to congratulate Terry D for his 2nd place performance in the Masters Division of Frostfit 2013. Terry’s preparation and determination came together on Saturday as he threw down with some of the best in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario. We’re proud of you Terry. Thanks for rockin the colours and being part […]

We Made It!

Putting it mildly, the past 2 months have been a blur. It has been an exciting ride that I hope is just beginning and will continue for many years to come, however, I’d prefer it to be a little less of an emotional roller coaster if that’s possible. Before I say anything else I need […]

Coach’s Notes – Week TWO

Week two of our “Foundation” program is now underway. This program is targeted toward making you LEANER, more MOBILE and BALANCED. When I look at balance I look at a few things… 1) are they muscularly balanced?… common weaknesses are rotator cuffs, glutes, abs and hamstrings. We also regularly see imbalances side-to-side hence our use […]