Author: Claire Walsh

Oct. 28 – Nov. 2

Monday: Building – Clean Complex + Push Press + Push and Pull for rounds (involves burpees & Row) Foundation – Back Squat + Pull Up + Full Body strength work Tuesday: Building – Max aerobic power circuit Foundation – Long aerobic circuit   Wednesday: Building – Rest Foundation – Deadlift + Full Body strength circuits […]


Monday: Building – Clean & Jerk + Bench Press + Upper Body Strength Circuit…. we finally get to use that big rope Foundation – Bench Press & Pull Ups + Push Press & Ring Row + Airdyne Tuesday: Building – 3 Position Snatch + Back Squat + Row Foundation – Hang Muscle Snatch + Front […]


Hi everyone! Caitlin asked me to pass on a little information regarding the Yoga class this Saturday. The class itself will be a combination of classic yoga poses, stretching and also poses that will benefit movements in crossfit. The class is set up so 45 mins will be “standing” poses and movement then the last […]


Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! Testing is completely over now and if you haven’t already done so please visit the Sublime Facebook Members page and enter your results. Or I will email those who are not on the page. This week we introduce new classes as well as the Saturday, 11am Yoga Class with […]

Oct. 7 – 12

Monday: Being – Clean & Jerk + Elizabeth Building – Snatch + Lunges & Pull Ups Foundation – Split Squat + Pull Up + Cuuuuuurrrrlllls Tuesday: Aerobic Circuits Wednesday: Building – Rest Foundation – Deadlift + Bench Press + AirDyne Thursday: Being – Snatch Efficiency + Bench Press Building – Clean & Jerk + Bench […]

Everyone! I have a very Urgent and Important Update!

Cannon Baaaaallll! (I hope someone gets this reference) Hey everyone! Here is a little update on some exciting news at Sublime: – New operating hours will begin on Saturday, October 12. – We have added a 12pm & 1pm class on Saturday afternoons – On Saturday, October 12th the Free drop in class returns at […]


Tuesday: Aerobic intervals Wednesday: Building – Rest Foundation – Deadlift + Good Mornings + Bench Press + AD Sprint Thursday: Being – Power Clean + Bench Press + Clean efficiency Building – Power clean + Bench Press + AD Sprint Foundation – Rest Friday: Building – Hang Snatch + Back Squat + Row Foundation – […]

Sept. 30

Hey folks! Brendan is away and he is having trouble sending the programming from his phone, so I only have Mondays workout for ya right now. He is going to locate a computer and send me the rest of the week asap. Testing is wrapped up for the foundation group, while the Building/Being program still […]

September 23 – 29

Week 2 of testing! I just want to quickly say how awesome you guys are doing. New PR’s everywhere, it’s been great so far. lets keep the good times rolling. Monday: Building/Foundation – 1RM Dip + Reunited with one of the CrossFit girls. I’ll give you some hints. She is drop DEAD gorgeous and will […]

Sept. 16 – 21

Whoooaaa it’s testing time! If you have talked to me at the gym this past week you know how excited I am… and you should be too! For the next two weeks we will be testing energy systems and strength, trying to get a better understanding of where our members stand. Monday: Functional Movement Screen […]