Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview – Dec.22 – 27

Everyone ready for the Holidays??? Quick Note: Coaches will be intoxicated for all classes beginning Monday. Real Quick Note: Sublime Potluck fun is Saturday, Jan.17th 2PM. Save the date! Food, Prizes, me challenging your family members to fights. It’s always a blast! The Quickest Note: We are closed Dec. 25 & 26. And we have […]

Week Preview: December 15 – 20

Week 2/5 for Foundation, 2/3 for Building, and 3/4 for Being! Great work to our competitors this past weekend.   Monday: Foundation – Gymnastic Strength until your brain explodes… Building – H-PSn + PP & Pull Ups + Conditioning (Thruster/Row) OR Strength (DB Bench/Ring Row/Curls) Being – C&J + Press + DB Sn & Bike […]

Week Preview – Dec. 8 – 13

Testing is overrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It goes without saying that we were blown away by the results. Me and Brendan spent many days looking over the sheets in disbelief. So many strong & well conditioned members within our gym. Crazy accomplishments, Curtis pulling 405 X 3 and squatting 305(?) X 3 and then a 6:52 2000M Row […]

Problems with Email

Hey all, We made a hosting change this week and for some reason we are experiencing problems with email. If you’ve tried to contact us and have not heard back this might be why. We’ve changed the contact forms on this site to go to our Gmail, so please use the forms to contact us […]

Week Preview – Dec.1 – 6

December! Already!?! Week 1 of testing was a ton of fun, at least for me. Big numbers, great times. So we roll on to the final week of testing for Foundation & Building. Being begins a new cycle. Monday: Foundation – Back Squat 3RM + A bike ride…. for 10:00….. Building – Power Clean + […]

Week Preview: Nov. 24 – 29

I posted this on Facebook, but I am fully aware that some of you do not do ‘the Facebook.’ The other day I had a surprise visit from Kasia, and the kids at William Whyte school division. They stopped by to give me a sweet t-shirt and a thank you card. You may remember that […]

Sublime 2yr Anniversary + Week Preview Nov.17 – 22

Yes, another year has come and gone and miraculously Sublime is still chugging along. Last year we held a potluck to celebrate, and it was glorious…. so much FOOD! So we are going to do it again. Save the date people! Saturday, January 17th! This is a photo from last year. Coolest part about it, […]

Week Preview: November 10 – 15

Week 2/3 For All, and for all a goodnight.   Monday: Foundation – Back Squat + CrossFit Intervals (Row/Wall Ball/KBS) Building – Snatch + Back Squat + Bike Intervals Being – Snatch + Push Press & Pull Ups + Bike Intervals   Tuesday: Remembrance Day – Pay Respects. Rest Up.   Wednesday: Foundation – Deadlift […]

Week Preview Nov. 3 – 8

First off, a big congratulations to our 3 competitors this past weekend. Colin finished 9th, Bernard finished 13th, and Dawny finished 4th. Way to represent, and do yourselves proud.   We are going to play with optional work in this cycle. I think it was inevitable that even with all 3 streams of programming there […]

Week Preview (Deload) : Oct. 27 – Nov.1

On Saturday November 1st Dawny, Bern, and Colin will be competing in their first CrossFit event! Lets get a group together and support them!   Please note that we have changed the Building Programs rest day to Thursday!   Deload week across the board! YOU GET A  DELOAD! YOU GET A  DELOAD!  YOU GET A  DELOAD! […]