Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview: March.30 – April 4

Well that’s it! The Opens are over! Unless you are crazy enough to re-do that one, then well, good luck with that. I really liked the design of this workout, such a battle of the mind. Way to gut it out. The final Saturday was a good time, and like I said, something that in […]

Jenelles Journey

I really enjoy reading these. I don’t normally ask for them as people will just send them in sometimes. But I did ask Jenelle because I knew she had an interesting story, and with her gradually working her way onto my staff I thought it would be a great opportunity for the members, and myself, […]

Week Preview: March 23 – 28

Don’t even get me started on the HSPU standard in 15.4…. Anyway, a few words on the opens. This year we decided to attempt a different approach, to let our athletes work the open into their schedule, and not the other way around. So we thought we would encourage people to pair up, become training […]

Week Preview: March 16 – 21

Well I wish I would have known so many people were going away on holidays in March before I brashly declared this the month to break the attendance record… we still have a chance for it as we sit just slightly off pace to break it. And well that sucks, I was reminded this week […]

Week Preview: March 9 – 14

Guys… It’s getting warmer. I hope you took advantage of the beautiful weather today. I spent the day working on a surprise for you all, you’ll have to come in to see it. Also, staying on that, we had awesome attendance in the first week of March. I think this will be the month, right, […]

Week Preview: March 2-7

Hellooooooo, Well we fell 40 people short of the attendance record… BUT considering it was a short month I’m actually pretty pumped we came that close and excited about what we can get in March. I think it will be the month we do it… I will think of some fun way to celebrate, like […]

The Don

Big Don, my man! Fish Slayer.   Heavy Lifter Horse Whisperer… what can’t he do?!   I didn’t have a picture of him with his old horses…but this bad ass pic of Robert Redford will have to do. Always look forward to him walking in around 4:00pm. After multiple shoulder surgeries back in the day […]

Week Preview: Feb. 23 – 28

Are you ready for the open?!? A new surprise every week?!?! View post on So we’re in Opens season now. Even though only part of our group is doing it, it will of course impact everyone’s programming due to equipment use etc. So, the Building & Beings Friday and Saturday workouts will not be […]

Week Preview: Feb.16-21

HEEELLLLLOOOOO Hope you survived the stresses of Valentines Day, the biggest bar night of the year and the day when we celebrate the birth of our country… or am I mixed up? New cycle for Foundation! We continue to build on our Squat/Bench/Deadlift & Press, the long aerobic pieces are gone and made way for […]