Author: Claire Walsh

Week Preview: June 4 – 9

Sublime is offering a new service! Do you know anyone who is ready to put effort into improving their health and wellness but has no idea where to start? Have you tried a million things, only to have them backfire? Sublime is offering a new, 8 week course to help people overcome all these problems […]

Week Preview: May 28 – June 2

We had ourselves a nice little Saturday morning lifting session Curtis came away with the largest total for the men, Cristina moved the most weight for the ladies, and we had several personal records shattered! Thanks for coming out! With The Big Three behind us we switch gears to a new cycle. Expect more sweat […]

Week Preview: May 21 – 26

Alright This Wraps Up Our Current Cycle Before We Switch Gears! We End With Sublime Saturday Series Event, The Big Three This Weekend! Bench, BSQ, Deadlift, Time To Find A Max! Monday: Join Coach Stacie For A Holiday Partner Workout! (Row/Run/Box Jump/Bike/WB/KBS)   Tuesday: Everyone – BSQ + Rowing & Sled Intervals   Wednesday: Everyone […]

Week Preview: May 14 – 19

Our ‘testing/transition’ week blends into this week as we complete a short cycle to prepare for our next Sublime Saturday Series event, The Big Three on May 26th! Maintenance with the squats, building off last weeks deadlifts & bench, plus plenty of strength accessory work….oh and still some sweaty days mixed in there! Monday: Everyone […]

Week Preview: May 7 – 12

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOkay week 5! The end is here! Of the squat cycle I mean, not our existence. Although, with this weeks workouts…… Monday: Foundation – BSQ + 3Rds Of Movement For Pleasure Building – Snatch + Jerk + BSQ   Tuesday: Everyone – Deadlifts + Bench Press + AMRAP (Chin Ups/Push Ups)   Wednesday/Thursday: Everyone – […]

Week Preview: April 30 – May 5

Week 4 coming at ya! Foundation will have a opportunity to chase a heavy single in the BSQ if things are feeling good this week…don’t fret if it isn’t, you will have another shot at it in the final week of this cycle as well! Building gets to chase heavy singles this week in the […]

Week Preview: April 23 – 28

Hello All! We had a mix up on the Sublime Saturday Series events so just to clarify, the Big Three Lift (Squat/Deadlift/Bench) will take place Saturday, May 23rd. The program will prepare you for it, so expect to see some Bench and Deadlifting on the way! But before that we will continue on this squat […]

Week Preview: April 16 – 21

Week 2 Coming At Ya! A little increase in volume, a little increase in intensity. Stick to those percentages, we will continue to build on those! Monday: Foundation – BSQ + Split Sq & Twists + Hip Ext. & Leg Raises Building – Snatch + Jerk + BSQ   Tuesday: Foundation – FSQ + DB […]

Week Preview: April 9 – 14

Goooood Sunday to you all! We begin a new cycle this week and we sure hope you like it! The initial plan was to start with a little running in this cycle but mother nature has other plans. I just couldn’t force the poor 6am folk to jog out into the cold, dark, icy sidewalks…no […]

Week Preview: April 2 – 7

Yoooooo! Hope the long weekend is treating you well! I want to take a moment to shout out the members that tackled the crossfit open this year. You may have watched them on a Sunday during open gym, as they re-did a workout on Monday, or maybe you stayed to see them finish week 5 […]