Author: Claire Walsh

Workshop: How to do the things you want to do.

Hey everyone! So remember when I said that I was really excited about this workshop that Brendan and I are putting on?? Well I think he might be even more excited about it than I am. We actually only have a few spots left and I wanted to get this info from him out to […]

Week Preview Sept. Oct 5 – Oct 10

Hi everyone! New foundation strength cycle begins this week! We’re gonna take our front rack squat strength and our overhead strength we’ve been working on and put them together and work on Overhead Squats. ANNNND we’re gonna use all that mega hip thrust strength and direct it back to the deadlift but this time Sumo […]

Week Preview Sept. 28 – Oct. 3

Hi everyone! I emailed you all our updated COVID prevention measures so go check your email if you haven’t seen them yet. Whiteboard Workout on Thursday. It’s my least favorite of all. Probably means some of you will LOVE it. We have conditioning on Monday. But not a “Conditioning Fun Day” just conditioning, with a […]

Week Preview Sept. 21-26

Hello! So Brendan and I have been talking about offering a workshop for you guys for a really long time and we’ve finally set the date for next month. I’m really excited about this and I’m going to send you all further details by email this week – so if you see something from me […]

Week Preview Sept. 14 – 19

Hi guys, just a friendly reminder, please (especially for the morning time slots) if you need to cancel a slot you’ve booked try to do so as soon as possible so someone else can come. We’ve had several days that I’ve allowed an extra person in each slot and we still end up having available […]

Week Preview Sept 7 – Sept 12

Hi guys, we have a few spots left in the holiday workout on Monday morning if anyone would like to join in! Don’t park in the parking lot. Monday Holiday Workout! Tuesday Band Pull in, Back Extension, Calf Raise, Goblet Squat, Couch Stretch + Lifting Foundation: Bench Press, FS Building: Snatch, Back Squat Wednesday Conditioning […]

Week Preview Aug 31-Sept 5

Whiteboard workout on Monday!! It’s just a little running and two other things. 3 exercises – that’s it. We’ll also be open with a holiday workout on the Monday of the long weekend so feel free to sign up for that if you’re around. We might flip some tires for fun. Don’t park in the […]

Week Preview Aug 24-29

There’s no Conditioning Fun Day this week – relax 🙂 Monday Seated Good Morning, Gahammers, Rev. Step ups, Tib Raise, Pigeon + Conditioning Tuesday TGU, Chins, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch, Trap 3, CBP + Lifting Foundation: Strict Press, Hip Thrust Building: Snatch, Push Press Wednesday Conditioning + Stretching Thursday WB Workout!! Friday Band pull in, […]

Week Preview Aug 17-22

Hi everyone! I just wanted to mention that I know with our number restrictions due to COVID some of the slots are filling up quite quickly at the beginning of the week. Please put your name on the waitlist if you’d like to attend and it’s full. There’s a very good chance you will get […]

Week Preview Aug 10-15

Whiteboard workout on Monday guys! Don’t freak out, it’ll be done with, and you won’t even know it happened, and you can get on with your week 🙂 A little gymnastics practice with our Wednesday stretch this week for those who always wonder when they can practice their gymnastics. Building continues to work around their […]