Hi everyone!

Caitlin asked me to pass on a little information regarding the Yoga class this Saturday.

The class itself will be a combination of classic yoga poses, stretching and also poses that will benefit movements in crossfit. The class is set up so 45 mins will be “standing” poses and movement then the last 15 mins stretching which will for the most part lying down or seated. She asks that you bring a yoga mat if you have, and you can wear whatever you regularly wear to the gym (although I think she’d appreciate if the guys wore the TIGHTEST Lulu-lemon shorts possible).

Hope you enjoy it!




  • Cobes

    October 15, 2013 @ 7:33 pm

    Eewwww…please don’t…Jeff, that was NOT a challenge… Kyle, I did the head down slight shake.

  • Tapout

    October 16, 2013 @ 1:35 am

    I cant make this saturday but totally looking to these classes!

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