This is just a brief note (all I have time for now), that on March 29 we will be hosting a nutrition seminar again (12-2). The main difference is that this nutrition seminar will be to kick off the start of our own Whole30 challenge.

I’m posting this in advance because I would like you all to have a chance to prepare a bit for this yourself so that you can come to the seminar with any questions you might have about the process.

More details will be forthcoming, but in the meantime I’d encourage you to take a look at the Whole30 rules. I’d also encourage you to consider signing up for the Whole30 daily as a resource you can use while on the challenge.

That’s all for now!

– Brendan


  • DaniJ

    March 18, 2014 @ 7:36 pm

    This is great Brendan!  I’m looking forward to your session on the 29th!  I found a great website that has awesome recipes for the Whole30 program.

  • Tapout

    March 19, 2014 @ 2:07 pm

    seminar is 12-2…will that overlap with 14.5 opens wod?

  • Tapout

    March 19, 2014 @ 2:08 pm

    …her cookbook(s) are fantastic and very informative…

  • bso

    March 20, 2014 @ 4:20 am

    Tapout  It will be right after the open wraps up…

  • bso

    March 20, 2014 @ 4:21 am

    Tapout  Yeah, her Well Fed cookbook is my favorite.

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