Whole 30 – Set yourself up for success

The plan is to start the Whole30 challenge on March 30. This would make the challenge officially from March 30 – April 28.

Here are a few things you should consider doing this week to set yourself up for success:

1. Sign-up for the Whole30 Daily, or buy/borrow a book about this kind of stuff… some good books are “Primal Blueprint”, “The Paleo Diet”, “The Paleo Solution”, “It starts with food”. Most of these books can provide you with the basic knowledge that can help you understand the WHY behind this, and will give you tips on the HOW as well.

2. Consider picking up a recipe book or acquiring a few off the internet. “Well Fed” is my favorite, but “Paleo Slowcooker” is another great one for busy folks. The key here is not just to have the recipe book, but to pick out 3-4 go to recipes. Most of us eat the same-ish kinds of meals each day. Those meals might need some renovation for the Whole30 challenge. Think about your current “Go-Tos” and how you can make changes to them for the challenge.

3. Clean out the pantry! If it’s in your pantry there’s a really good chance that you’re going to eat it. So, pack it in a box and give it away… or… if you’re not ready to let go, put it in a big tupperware bin and take it to a friends’ house for the 30 days. I will be one who will be doing this challenge in the presence of a host of temptations in my cupboards and fridge… but trust me… if you have complete control over your pantry then make it paleo friendly this week. There are great tips and guidelines for this in almost all of the resources in steps 1 & 2.

4. Look at your calendar and plan ahead. See all those family gatherings? That’s going to require some “psych-up”, some conversations, and possibly some food preparation. Personally both of my children and my wife will be celebrating birthdays during the Whole30 challenge this year. In addition to this there are two family gatherings for Easter, and there will inevitably be chocolate around the workplace. Perhaps most concerning of all is the time at the cabin which is usually a junk food fest. Have I made things “too hard” on myself? Let’s get real… there is NEVER a convenient time to do this kind of thing. Approximately 45% of our gym members surveyed want to get leaner, and the other 55% want increased performance in one way or another. Food Quality is TOP OF THE LIST in terms of creating the hormonal environment for great body composition and great performance, so let’s tackle this NOW and move on to other things later. So, look at the calendar… circle the challenges coming up, and plan to talk with friends/family… tell them you’re testing out some potential food intolerances… maybe they’ll cook without those foods, or maybe (more likely), you’ll have to bring some dishes of your own. Just be prepared and set yourself up for success.

Questions? Use the comments, please!



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