Week Preview Sept. Oct 12 – Oct 17

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great long weekend! A few fun new things going on so here’s a little update:

Many of you have noticed the extra bars, plates and mats we have in the gym. Terry (Dakota Weightlifting) is going to be coaching his weightlifting classes, outside of our classes, a few times a week. They have all their own equipment and cleaning supplies – so that’s what you’re seeing.

There’s one spot left in Brendan’s workshop! If anyone wants it let me know. For those of you already signed up, if you haven’t specified another method of payment, I will process the payments on credit card this week.


Holiday Partner Workout!


Sled Push/Pull, Bicep Curls, Tricep Extn, Goblet Squats + Lifting

Foundation: Seal Row and Back Squat

Building: Hang Snatch, Back Squat


Conditioning + Stretching


Whiteboard Workout


Jefferson Curl, CBP, L-sit, Trap 3, Cossack Squat + Lifting

Foundation: OH Squat, Sumo Deadlift

Building: Pwr Clean, Jerk


Foundation: Bench Press + Conditioning

Building: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: HSW + DU’s

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