Week Preview: Sept. 7 – 12

Yoooooo I’m back!

Sorry about last weeks post, pretty, pretty weak stuff from Brendan. I was a little tied up that weekend…


I found this in my inbox on Monday morning, it is a picture of Ricks calves… so there is that.

Please support our Sublime Motion Ball Team!

We currently have 2 spots remaining in our On Ramp program beginning Tuesday, please pass that along to any friends who have been asking about us.

Reminder that Ladies Night is coming up! Friday, September 18th @7:00pm. Coach Mel & Coach Jenelle will be your hosts for the evening. Team workout at Sublime followed by food and drinks after, save the date!


Alright, Foundation enters testing week. Building is in week 3/4, while Being enters a new cycle!


Holiday, enjoy some rest & relaxation.



Foundation – Back Sq & Chins + RFESS + DB Row + WB/Row/Bike

Building – Clean + Back Sq & Ring Pull Up + Step Ups & Face Pulls + WB/Row/Bike



Foundation – Bench + BB Press + Deadlift + Curls forever

Building – Jerks + DB Bench + Deadlift + DB PP & KBS + Curls + Midline



Foundation – Midline Intervals + Aerobic Intervals

Building – Snatch + Front Sq & Pull Up Work + RFESS + DB Row + Bike Intervals



Foundation – Front Sq & Pull Up + Push Up & KBS + Bike/Box Jump/Row

Building – Clean + ALT EMOM (Push Up/RDL/HandStand Hold/Arch) + Bike/Box Jump/Row



Everyone – Sublime Mile! + Row & Bike Intervals


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