Week Preview Sept 6 – 11

Holiday workout tomorrow! Let’s start our Fall season of with some fun. It’s full – but if you want to come, put your name on the waitlist and I’ll open up some spots. Wednesday stretch and conditioning returns this week. I know some of you have been eagerly waiting for this extended stretching session to come back so go sign up!


Holiday Workout


CBP, Cuban Rotation, Farmers Carry, Sled Push, Pike Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back Squat

Building: OHS, Hi Hang P-Sn


Stretch and Conditioning


Row, Calf Raise, Tuck ups, FS, Ring Curl + Lifting

Foundation: RDL, Push Press

Building: Hi Hang Pwr Cln, Push Press


Incline Bench, Front Lever Pull, Neck Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 stretch + Conditioning


Condtioning or

Lifting: Snatch, CJ

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