Week Preview Sept 23-28

Double Baseline went down on Saturday! We had a great turnout, with the top time for women going to Cathy and for men to Nick. Our next group event will be The CrossFit Open workouts starting three weeks from now.


Foundation: Back Squat, Sled Drag, Incline Bench, Chin up, Step ups

Building: Clean and Jerk

Being: Push Press, BJSD, Row


Foundation: RDL, L-sit, Ext. Rotation, Running (or Row/Bike)

Building: Pwr Snatch, Back Squat


Everyone: Conditioning, and Stretch


Foundation: Sled Push, Split Squat, Bike or Row

Building: Power Clean, Push Jerk

Being: Run, BJSD, Fr Squat, MU


Foundation: Deadlift, Band Pull in, DB Flye, Powell Raise, Back Extn, Sled Drag, Farmers Carry

Building: Power Snatch, Front Squat


Foundation: Bench Press, Run or Bike, KBS, Burpees

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

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