Week Preview Sept. 21-26

Hello! So Brendan and I have been talking about offering a workshop for you guys for a really long time and we’ve finally set the date for next month. I’m really excited about this and I’m going to send you all further details by email this week – so if you see something from me make sure you read it haha!

Whiteboard workout isn’t till Thursday this week so you can relax and ease into things. But when we get to it it’s gonna be fun! hint: baseline.


BB Sumo High Pull, Row, Sled Push, Trap 3, Stretch + Conditioning


Sprints, RDL, L-sit, Split Squat, Tib Raise + Lifting

Foundation: Bench Press. FS

Building: Hang Snatch, Back Squat


Conditioning + Stretching


Whiteboard Workout


TGU, Chins, Sled Drag, CBP, Couch Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Strict Press, Hip Thrust

Building: Hang Clean, Push Jerk


Conditioning (Quad Storm)

Lifting: Snatch and CJ and FS

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