Week Preview Sept 2 – 7

Come join Coach Stacie for a holiday partner workout on Monday!

Tuesday our next cycle begins with some barbell strength mixed back in and some old favorites – Deadlifts, Squats and Bench Press. We will have regular programming on Wednesday so we can fit it all into a short week.


Partner Workout!!


Foundation: Back Squat, Sled Drag, Incline Bench, Chin up, Step up

Building: Front Squat, Jerk

Being: Add: Kipping Pull ups or C2B


Everyone: RDL, L-sit, Ext. Rotation, Running

Building: Pwr Clean, Back Squat

Being: Pwr Snatch, HSPU’s, Broad Jump Burpees


Everyone: Sled Push, Split Squat, Bike, Pull ups, Push ups, Row

Building: Jerk

Being: Thrusters, Hang Pwr Clean, Press


Foundation: Deadlift, Band Pull in, Chest Flye, Powell Raise, SL Back Extension

Building: Snatch, Back Squat

Being: T2B, DU’s


Foundation: Bench Press, Bike, KBS

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: HS Walk, Squat Cleans

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