Week Preview Sept 16-21

Hey everyone this weekend we have 4 members competing in the Nxt Lvl Games! This is a CrossFit competition and it’s also conveniently located in our end of town so come out to cheer them on if you are free. We have Ashley and Elisabeth in the Novice Womens category and Michelle and Mel in Novice Masters Women.


CBP, Cuban Rotation, Farmers walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch

Foundation: Pendlay Row, Back Squat
Building: OHS, Snatch, Clean grip DL


Aikins Run, Calf Raise, Vups, FS, Leg Curl

Interval Conditioning


Conditioning & Stretch


Incline bench, Neck Pull, Front Lever Pull, Sled Drag, 90/90 stretch

Foundation: DL, Landmine Press
Building: CJ complex, Push Press


Sled Push, Seated GM, Leg Raise, Bike, Couch Stretch

Foundation: Interval Conditioning
Building: BS


Spy vs Spy

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