Week Preview Sept. 14 – 19

Hi guys, just a friendly reminder, please (especially for the morning time slots) if you need to cancel a slot you’ve booked try to do so as soon as possible so someone else can come. We’ve had several days that I’ve allowed an extra person in each slot and we still end up having available spots because people are not showing up or cancelling at the last minute.

Also, reminder number two, please try to remain aware of social distancing while we’re working out. In general we’re doing great, but it’s so easy to forget here and there.


Whiteboard Workout!


Seated GM, Garhammers, Rev Step up, Tib Raise, Pigeon Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Behind the Neck Press, Hip Thrust

Building: Hang Clean, Push Jerk


Conditioning + Stretching


TGU, Chin ups, Trap 3, Sled Drag, Couch Stretch + Conditioning


Band pull in, Nordic, Calf Raise, + Lifting

Everyone: Tempo FS/BS

Foundation: Bench Press

Building: Hang Snatch


Conditioning: Sprints

Lifting: Snatch and CJ and FS

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