Week Preview: Sept. 14 – 19

This is it! My last post until I return, a new, honeymooned(?) man! You’ll miss me, I’ll miss you. We will think of each other, reminiscence on good times we had, good times to come. Nah, I’m gone 2 & 1/2 weeks…. You will hardly notice I am gone. Be kind to the coaches (Crystal), don’t burn the place down (Crystal), stop clogging the toilets….. CRYSTAL!

Those are all jokes…. except the last one….

Sublime Ladies Night, Friday September 18th, talk with Coach Mel or Coach Jenelle for details!

Saturday, October 3rd @ 12:00pm we have a special speaker coming in to chat nutrition! Tenille will be talking about the importance of proper nutrition for training, sport, and optimal body composition, and to answer questions.
Many insurance companies cover services provided by a Registered Dietitian; contact Tenille for private nutrition consultation if you want a meal plan or personalized nutrition information at (204)960-3316 or tsonnichsen@gmail.com.

Okay Bye!


Foundation has a new cycle, LOTS of pull up work, and LOTS of pressing work! Building wraps up the final week and Being keeps the good times rolling with week 2/4.



Foundation – Back Squat & Pull Up + Db Steps & Face Pulls + Bike

Building – Jumpin + Back Squat & Pull Up + Step ups & Face Pulls + WB & Bike



Foundation – New Midline Work + New Low Aerobic Output

Building – Clean + Incline Bench + Strength Accessory (DB Push Press/KBS/Paloff/Curls/Jackknife)



Foundation – BB Floor Press + Sumo Deadlift + DB Bench & Leg Curls (They’re Back!) + Curls & Paloff & FLR

Building – Rest, Reflect about missing me.



Foundation – Pine for me

Building – Snatch + Front Squat & Pull Ups + RFESS + DB Row + Bike



Foundation – BB Lunges + BB Row + Push Ups + Back Ext. + WB & Row

Building – Clean + EMOM Mania (Push Up/RDL/HandStand Hold/Arch) + Intervals (Box Jump/Row/Bike)



Everyone: Midline Intervals + Running & Burpees & Box Jump Mash Up


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