Week Preview: Oct. 26 – 31

Hello all,

Welcome, to the week preview.

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Thanks for those that came to learn a little about Weightlifting on Saturday, nice to see a few Foundation peeps eager to learn new things. I really enjoy teaching the lifts, so I will be looking to schedule another one of those soon. Just to be clear, if you are interested in switching to the Building program talk to me about it. We have a few preconditions, but they are essentially, can you front squat? Can you properly hold a barbell over your head pain free? If you watch the Building crew and want in, lets chat.

I have noticed a steady increase in attendance since my return, which is nice. While I was away we had a drop, now that can be for one of two reasons. This may shock some of you, but, some of our members have a habit of showing up, but not necessarily signing up for class!


I know, crazy right? So normally I add them in, because I like to keep track of who is coming and how regularly they are here. So, with me gone, and them not signing up, it may have skewed the results a bit.

Or, the other option is, people slacked while I was frolicking the beaches of Spain.

In either case, SHAME!


I take the shame blame as well. During the months of wedding prep, honeymoon prep, post honeymoon getting my life in order, I fell behind on my attendance watching and member chasing. I know that the reason some members come to a place like this is for the kick in the butt to get in the gym, so I apologize for letting anyone down. I will be reaching out this week.

So with all that said, while looking at the encouraging numbers for October and talking with some past members that are making a comeback, I have decided to open up the charge for the attendance record again! We came so close, so many times during the spring. I am calling November, the month of redemption. Whatever has happened the past month(s) that knocked you off track, put it in the past and take this week to get back in and reacquainted with the coaches and assault bikes that have missed seeing you regularly. Then set yourself up for success for November.

Okay, lets get to it. Foundation saddles up for a slight change up (a little Olympic lifting!?!) week 3/4, Building attempts to get over the soreness in week 2/4, and Being get a volume de-load in week 4/4.


Foundation – Back Squat & Chin Up + Split Sq + Db Row + Row Sprint*

Building – Snatch Cluster + FSQ & BSQ & DB Pull Over** + 90/90 Iso Hold & Shoulder W

* Foundation have your 100M Row from two weeks ago, we are comparing 🙂

** If you want to challenge your self further with these, click the link and try this.



Foundation – Mid-Line + Aerobic (Good news, bear crawl is gone)

Building – Jerks + Press & Hip Ext. + Row intervals



Foundation – Bench + Sumo Dead EMOM + BB Press & Harop Curl + Curls & Paloff & Ring Flutters

Building – Rest up



Foundation – Dream of Harop Curls

Building – Clean + Gob Sq EMOM + Scap Pull Ups + 20:00 Low Aerobic Work*

* I posted this article in the Facebook group, great stuff. Give it a read if you want some insight on how we program our aerobic conditioning.



Foundation – FSQ & Pull Ups + Push Up & Hang Clean Pull + A nasty little “for time” (WB/Row)

Building – Incline Db Bench + BB Bench + Press + Push Ups + Curls + I mean if you don’t wear your tightest shirt and go out I will be upset.



Everyone: Mid-line Fun + Like last week, but a little worse (bike/Sled/Box Jump/Burpees/Gob Sq)

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