Week Preview Oct 21 – 27

We’re into week 3 of the Open workouts! So for the remainder of the Open we’re gonna spend some time doing workouts that are challenging but a little more playful and easy going before ramping back up with our regular program. Don’t panic, your Foundation and the Sleds will still be in there.


Foundation: Sled Push/Pull, Spider Curl, FS, Tricep Extn., Bottom ¼ squats, Abs

Building: Snatch and Cleans


Everyone: Shoulder Stability then Variety EMOM


Everyone: Conditioning and Stretch


Foundation: Step ups, Sled Drag, Dips or Incline Bench, Ring Row, Row, Push ups, BJSD

Being: MU, P-Cl, Burpees


Everyone: Cross Bench Pullover, Straddle Sit, Trap 3, Jefferson Curl/ Then: Bike, Skipping, DL, DB Man makers, Bear Crawl, Farmers Carry


Everyone: Conditioning & Stretch


Everyone: Sublime/Crossfit OPEN

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