Week Preview: Oct. 19 – 25


Couple things!

  1. We have Sunday hours on now. It was brought to my attention that not everyone was aware. So now you are. And you should come. The point of Sunday will be to either make up a day you missed, ask the coach for some help in mobility, skills…etc. (Yes even Oly lifting….(Yes even you Foundation peeps who are curious about that stuff)..) (Too many brackets (?)
  2. Remember when I asked about having a lifting class? Yeah me neither, it was so long ago, I think before I got really old and married. Anyway, because my schedule is never really set I am unable to commit to certain days & times… I have commitment issues. So I will just announce them as I can fit them in, I will give you plenty of heads up. The first one will be THIS SATURDAY OCTOBER 24TH @ 11:00am. Come in early to warm up, be ready to lift at 11. Please, Please, PLEASE sign up so I know who is coming and can plan the lesson around that. This is open to EVERYONE. See you there 🙂
  3. Sublime Boys Night has been scheduled for Saturday, November 28th. Workout @ Sublime for 5pm. Followed by consuming “Non-Alcoholic” Beers while watching the Jets game @ a location TBD. Numerous butt slaps included.
  4. The milk has gone bad.


Okay, now lets talk workouts.


Foundation gets to build on a new cycle with week 2/4. Building starts a new cycle, less volume, more lat/pull up work, and more low intensity aerobic. We will also have a day where you will exclusively work on mobility drills. Being saddles up for week 3/4.


Foundation – Back Squat & Chins + DB Lunge + DB Rows + LP (Row)

Building – Snatch Cluster + FSQ & BSQ & DB Pull Over +  Split Sq & Shoulder Work



Foundation – Midline Shredding + Low Aerobic

Building – Jerk + Press & Hip Ext. + Row For Time (Not too long, but not short….)



Foundation – Bench + Sumo Dead + DB Press & Harop Curl + Hammer Curl/Paloff/Fluttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttters

Building – I dunno, figure it out.



Foundation – Leave me alone!

Building – 3 Pos. Clean + EMOM Gob Sq + Scap Pull Up + Low Aerobic (Row/TGU/FW)



Foundation – Gob RFESS + Ring Row/Push Up/KBS + Row Repeats

Building – Low Aerobic + Mobility and Maintenance * Ask Coach for Assistance



Everyone: Midline Shredding + Fun with Friends (Sled/Box Jump/Burpees/Gob Sq)

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