Hey guys, so there were no changes to our restrictions as of Friday when the government announced new measures. We can thankfully proceed as we have been doing.
The workshop with Brendan on Wednesday will obviously go on. Please remember your mask, you will be required to wear it for the entire workshop and we will have socially distanced seating.
Whiteboard Workout!
Back Extn, Extn rotation, Garhammers, Shoulder Press, Tib Raise + Lifting
Foundation: Seal Row and Back Squat
Building: Snatch, Back Squat
Conditioning + Stretching
Sled Push, Curls, FS, Split Squat, Side Plank + Conditioning
Sled Push/pull, CBP, Gob Squat, Trap 3, Cossack + Lifting
Foundation: OH Squat, Sumo Deadlift
Building: Pwr Clean, Jerk
Foundation: Bench Press + Conditioning
Building: Snatch, CJ, FS
Being: HSW + Cleans