Week Preview Oct 14 – 20

Deload on lifting this week. If you feel like you need a deload from the Crossfit stuff as well, feel free to focus on the Foundation. Short week so Wednesday has regular programming plus stretch.

Also week two of the Open is coming up this Sunday. We had lots of people show up this week for an extra Sunday workout! Watch the members page for the workout to be posted on Friday.


Holiday Partner Workout


Foundation: Sled Drag, Step ups, Incline Bench, Chins, Bottom ¼ Squats

Being: T2B, Pistols, Handstand Shoulder taps


Everyone: RDL, L-sit, Ext. Rotation, Run/Row or Bike, and Stretch


Foundation: Sled Push, Split Squat, Calf raise

Being: Row + Death by Thrusters


Everyone: SL Back Extension, band Pull in, Incline Flye, Band Pull Apart, Bike Sprints


Everyone: Partner Workout


Everyone: Sublime/Crossfit OPEN

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