Week Preview: Oct. 12 – 17

Hi everyone!

I’m back!

Foundation! Your program switches up! Building hits week 4/4. Being continues the grind.

Next OnRamp starts October 13. This is a way to get into the program in a friendly group of other beginners. If you prefer to get started before then you can do one on one training. Contact us to get started.



Were open holiday hours… we have workouts scheduled…. come in, tell us what your week looks like and we will recommend what workout to do!


Foundation – Back Squat Cluster & Chins + Single Leg and Arm Work + Rowing

Building – Clean Max + Back Squat & Chins + BB Step Ups & Chest Flyes + AB Sprints



Foudnation – Bench + Sumo Deads + Single Arm Strength

Building – Snatch + Bench  + Strength Accessory



Foundation – Midline Work + Aerobic Day

Building – Jumping + Front Squat & Pull Up + Rowing Test



Foundation – Split Squat + Body Weight Push & Pull + Row Repeats

Building – Jerk Max + 20:00 AMRAP (KBS/Push Up/Bike)



Everyone – Midline + Intervals (Box Jump/Burpee/Gob Squat)

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