Week Preview: November 30th – Dec. 5

Thanks for all the texts, calls, emails, and facebook messages. I appreciate it.

Quick note on some schedule changes! As of this coming week, we will be starting afternoon sessions at 3:30pm now, and including a 11:45am class every day of the week now! Yes, on Wednesday & Thursdays we will now have a 11:45am class.


Also, I am convinced that mentioning the attendance chase is cursed. I had people get sick, unexpectedly sent away for work, I even had Terry fall down stairs and roll his ankle! After a strong Saturday, and hopefully good Sunday turn out before the Grey Cup festivities, we will need a solid Monday showing to take a run at it. I haven’t given up hope yet!


Reminder that the Sublime Lift Off is Saturday, December 12th @ 2:00pm. We currently have 11 lifters and always ready to accept more. Anyone looking to help out just drop me a email and of course all members & families are welcome.


Okay, foundation wraps up week 4/4. Building hits a Deload/Tester week in 3/4, this week will have you take a rest day Tuesday NOT Wednesday. Being enters a new but familiar feeling cycle in week 1/4.


Foundation – Bsq & Pull Ups + For Time (Row & Box Jump)

Building – Sn Complex + Fsq & Chins + DBFRESS + DB Trap 3 Raise



Foundation – Shoulder burn sesh + Rowing

Building – Rest



Foundation – Bench & Chops + Intervals (HH/Push Up/SP/Tuck Up)

Building – Jerks + Incline Bench + 1000M Row For Time



Foundation – Rest

Building – Light Aerobic + Mobility & Maintenance + Go Home And Fuel Up

  • Come in, tell us what aches and lets work on it.



Foundation – Fsq + DB Pull Over + Landmine + Deadlift + A little bit more Bike

Building – Clean Max + DBRFESS + Low Aerobic Output (Row/Chin Ups/Farmer Walk/Box Jumps)



Everyone: Intervals (HH/Push Ups/SP/Tuck Ups) + 5:00 Of Row + Sled + Bike



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