Week Preview November 28 – Dec 3

Okay gang we’re moving into that busy holiday season mode and there is sickness EVERYWHERE so getting your daily movement in may take a bit more planning and intent on your part for the next month or so!


Incline Bench, Ring Row, Sled Push, Ab Wheel, Stretch

Foundation: Hip Thrust, Strict Press

Building: Hi Hang P-Sn, BS


WB Workout!!


Conditioning & Stretch


RDL, L-sit, Split Squat, QL Extn, CBP

Foundation: Good Morning, FS

Building: Hi Hang Pwr Cl, Push Press


DB Shoulder Press, Chins, Sled Drag, Trap 3, Couch Stretch

Foundation: Gymnastics Skill practice EMOM (Building you can choose this too if you like)

Building: Snatch, CJ & AMRAP10


Aerobic Pace Conditioning

1 Comment

  • Dylan

    December 2, 2022 @ 12:01 pm

    Hahaha @ my face

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