Week Preview Nov. 9-14

Hiiiii, everyone seems to be doing ok with their masks on during exercise so far – so that’s good. We’re all keeping it together.

We’ve got a holiday workout in the middle of the week (I had to change the times of these because I forgot we can’t open until 1 pm. I’m following so many rules right now I can’t remember them all).

The rest of the week is in prep for the Feats of Strength on Saturday. We’re lifting on Thursday, not Friday this week. If you are coming to Feats of Strength you will not be maxing out on any of your lifts during the week – you’ll save that for the weekend. Here are the guidelines so you can choose the lifts you want to do.

Choose your 2 favourite lifts for 1RM in each


Compete in the top secret strength event

Lift options and “points per pound lifted”

Back Squat1.25
Bench Press1.625
Push Press1.85
Clean & Jerk1.75


Back Extension, DB External Rotation, Garhammer, Shoulder Press, Tib Raise + Conditioning


Sled Push, Curls, FS, Split Squat, Side Plank + Lifting

Foundation: Seal Row and Back Squat

Building: Jerk


Holiday Workout!


Sled Push/Pull, CBP, Goblet Squat, Trap 3, Cossack + Lifting

Foundation: OH Squat, Sumo Deadlift

Building: Clean & Jerk, Snatch


Around the World and Stretching



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