Week Preview Nov. 30 – Dec. 4

Week 3 is upon us. We’re going to do 3 Zoom workout classes this week. The 8 am class didn’t seem to be the best time for people so we’ll try out a few other times this week and see how it goes. The whiteboard workout is on Tuesday and I think that would be fun to do together.

So I’m gonna run:
Tuesday: 9:00 am
Tuesday: 3:45 pm
Thursday: 5:00 pm

Also your sweaty selfies were fantastic this week. I expect more from wherever those came from.


Step ups, Push ups, Chair Rows or Chins, Split Squat, Bottom ¼ Goblet Squats, Abzzzz


WB Workout!!


Steady state aerobic activity of your choice plus stretch and mobility


Superman, Seated HF Raise, Floor Flye, Row, RDL, L-sit + Conditioning


Shoulder Stability work + gymnastics practice EMOM

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