Week Preview Nov. 3 – 8

First off, a big congratulations to our 3 competitors this past weekend. Colin finished 9th, Bernard finished 13th, and Dawny finished 4th. Way to represent, and do yourselves proud.



We are going to play with optional work in this cycle. I think it was inevitable that even with all 3 streams of programming there would still need to be this type of “play” based on an athlete’s available time and energy and goals.
There is no reason that anyone would do ALL of the optional work. It is there primarily for those whose main priority is still STRENGTH (e.g. extra squatting) or SKILL (e.g extra snatch work). Some of our athletes are both strong enough and skilled enough and ought to turn their attention to better conditioning which is the primary focus of this phase of the year.

Also, caution to those with shoulder issues or recent history of shoulder issues against doing the extra snatch work.


For Building group:

Continuing with skill development for Oly work. Volume is being reduced, so athletes can start to work with slightly heavier weights, but technique should always be the emphasis.

Number of sets is prescribed rather than reps. We are letting you guys choose what weight you want to use for your sets and you can do as many reps with that weight as you can with good form without fatigue limitations.



The bar will be enough for some. If they are dialed in with the bar, then they can increase to as high as 40-50% bodyweight for the snatch and 55-65% bodyweight for the C&J.

For those who were training in the former Building program, they will use weights at about 60-65% of their 1RM for this cycle. Focus will be on speed/tech.


Allllllllllllrighty then:



Foundation – Back Squat + CrossFit Conditioning ( Wall Ball / KBS / Box Jump )

Building – Clean + Back Squat + Sweatin it out on the bike

Being – Snatch + Tng PSn + Push & Pull work + Sweatin it out on the bike



Foundation – Bench Press + Pull Up + Aerobic Intervals (Rower)

Building – Snatch + Jerk + Bench Press + Pull Up + Fun with the Sled

Being – Deadlift + Sled pushin + Core Work



Foundation – Deadlift + DB Step Ups + Core Work

Building – Clean + Snatch 1st Pull + Deadlift + Core Work

Being – Rest



Foundation / Building – Rest

Being – Clean & Jerk + TnG Clean + Tester (DB Thruster / T2B / Box Jumps)



Foundation – Front Squat + Aerobic Intervals ( Bear Crawl / Step ups / Farmer Walk / Burpees / Skipping / Wall Ball )

Building – Snatch & OHS + Jerk + Front Squat + Choose your own adventure – Aerobic Intervals (same as foundation) OR Rowing tester

Being – Front Squat + Tester (Row)



Foundation & Building – Press + DB Row + Core Work

Being – Dip OR MU & Handstand movement + AMRAP (Ring Row / Push Up / Wall Ball)


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