Week Preview: Nov 2 – 7

Great week in attendance… good to see everyone. Had a few newbies ask me what this attendance record is all about. Well, you see, we realized that back in the spring of 2014 we had hit a new record for attendance. We had over 1030 visits during the month of April. So, naturally we wanted to break that. So month after month we went after it, and month after month we fell just short, like 10-20 visits short. Finally the summer of 2015 came and our attendance took its natural decline and I couldn’t take the heartbreak any longer…But then October came and gave me hope that yes, we could make a run for the attendance record.

So I beg you,


Foundation hits week 4/4, prepare for some heavy lifting! Building hit its stride in week 3/4, and Being starts fresh in a new cycle.


Foundation – Back Squat & Chin Up + RFESS + DB Row + Row Tester

Building – Snatch + Front Sq & Chin Iso Hold + DB Work



Foundation – Mid-Line + Aerobic

Building – Jerk + Press + SL Deadlift + Rowing Repeats



Foundation – Bench + BB Pressing + Sumo Deads + Curls

Building – Rest UP



Foundation – Fuel Up

Building – Clean + DB Fun + Scap Pull Ups + Low Aerobic (Bike/TGU)



Foundation – Front Sq & Pull Ups + Push Ups & Clean Pulls + Tester (WB/Row)

Building – Db Bench + Press + BB Bench + Push Ups + Curls



Everyone: Similar movements… new layout 2:00 on 3:00 off 🙂 (Burpees/Jumps/Bike/Sled)

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