Week Preview Nov. 16-21

First of all, I can’t believe I didn’t get to max out my bench press this weekend. . . but moving on.

We’re back to it. We’ve done it before. Just set aside some time in your day to do this and try to be consistent. Make it a habit to move your body in a healthy way each day and it will make you feel better – I promise.

Honestly, even if it’s a bad day and you end up lying on the floor and staring at the ceiling for awhile, at least you took that time for yourself to clear your head.

I tried to make this week a more gentle intro. No scores, no competitions. Let’s just get used to our space and or stuff and go easy on ourselves this week. We’ll ramp it up a bit next week.

However, if you happen to break a sweat or want to post a video of how awesome you are at gymnastics you obviously should put that in the group chat – because that’s what the internet is for.


Step ups, Push ups, Chair Row, Split Squat, Bottom ¼ Squats, Core work


Interval Conditioning


Steady state aerobic activity of your choice plus stretch and mobility


Shoulder Stability work plus EMOM with gymnastics focus (yeah we’re gonna work on our gymnastics at home)


Superman, Hip Flexor work, Floor Press, Row, RDL, L sit + mobility

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