Week Preview Nov. 1-6

Hi everyone, new cycle starts this week.  Whiteboard workouts are back! A little healthy competition to perk things up a bit during this gloomy time of year.

Also a reminder to please be conscientious about your bookings. If you cancel last minute be aware that you may be taking up a spot in a class that another person would have taken. If you are uncertain of whether you will be coming to class or not, perhaps wait until the day of, and do not take up the spot in advance for the busy classes like 6 am, 4:45 and Saturdays.


Seated GM, Garhammer, CBP, Tib Raise, Pigeon

Foundation: Snatch Grip RDL, FS

Building: 3 position Snatch, Clean pull


Whiteboard Workout


Stretch and Conditioning


Shoulder Press, Chins, Rev Step up, sled drag, Couch Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Strict Press, Hip Thrust

Building: 3 position Cln, Jerk


Calf Raise, Nordic, Trap 3

Everyone: Tempo FS/BS


Conditioning or Oly Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

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