Week Preview May 5 – 10 / Snatch Analysis

Final week of this current cycle for Building. Foundation continues the grind in week 2/4….


Some of you who do not have Facebook have asked to see the Snatch Analysis video I posted, so if you want to see how bad I am, here is that. I talk way too much, main point is that the set up/first pull is very important and I wanted to provide a visual for that.



Foundation – Press + Deadlift + Split Squat + Upper Body Pulling / Anti Rotational


Building – Snatch + Snatch Accessory + Back Squat + Ring Row



Foundation – Stairway to Lactic Heaven (AD/Sled/Row)


Building – Clean & Jerk  + RDL & HSPU + Skill Based Conditioning (Pull Up, PClean, Burpee Box Jump)



Foundation – Front Squat + Hip Ext. + CrossFit Conditioning (Ladder Runs, Push Ball, Step Ups, KBS)


Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest


Building – Hang PSnatch + Snatch Accessory + Back Squat + GWM Grinder (AD, Wall Ball, DU, MU)



Foundation – Back Squat + Step Ups + Upper Body Pressing & Pulling


Building – Clean & Jerk + Clean Accessory + Bench + Good Morning



Everyone – Team Aerobic (Run, Burpees, KBS)


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