Week Preview: May 4-9

Hello everyone, hope you had a great weekend!

I took the canoe out, went fishing, didn’t catch a thing, but pretty sure I saw a dinosaur. It was the biggest fresh water turtle I have ever seen. I like turtles.

Some notes on the programming going forward:

1) We really enjoyed the combined Foundation & Building conditioning pieces, you are going to see more of that. That KBS & Run workout had some great times, then Steve came down and INFLICTED A WHOOPING ON YOU ALL! Nice work bud.

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2) Foundation you are at the beginning of an accumulation phase, simply meaning you will be doing lots of repetitions, and lots of time under tension. You probably felt it after those 1&1/4 Incline Bench Reps? Stay with the tempos written, make your pull up or dip/push up work challenging for the time frame given. The time for moving heavy weights will come, but for now you will likely have to pull back to ensure you are doing it properly.

3) Building you are continuing with the RPT method. I’m going to try to explain this in the simplest way possible. You will be working in the 4-6 rep range. If you get 6 reps on your heavy set, the following week you will increase by 2.5%, and attempt to reach 6 reps again. If you do not, you stay at the same weight for next week and try to reach that 6th rep. If you get stuck at the same weight & same rep for 3 weeks, please inform the trainer.

4) We fell 27 visits short of the attendance record again. I blame Don, Nick, and Carolina for leaving us for the month.



Foundation – Back Squat & Pull Up + Lunge & Db Row + Running, faster than a turtle.

Building – Front Squat + Press + Push Press + Running



Foundation – Low Impact Day: Hollow Rock/Hip Ext./Running + Midline & Bike

Building – Snatch + Triple Jumping & Pull Ups + Jumping & Push Ups



Foundation – Db Bench & Deadlift + Strength Accessory work + 10:00 AMRAP

Building – Rest. Watch Ninja Turtles.



Foundation – Rest. Write a four page essay, describing how turtles may actually be the most intelligent animal on the planet.

Building – Back Squat + Bench Press + Aerobic Interval



Foundation – BB Front Rack Reverse Lunge & Chins + Dips & SLRDL + Running & Rowing

Building – EMOM (Shuttle/C&J) + Running & Rowing



Everyone: Aerobic Intervals (Row/Skip/Sled/Bike/Box Jump/Burpees)

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