Week Preview: May 29 – June 4

Another fun week! Hopefully the humidity lets up so it doesn’t feel like someone is sitting on your chest while you work out. Congrats to Leslie and Scotty on a awesome job this weekend at the Prairie Crossfit competition!


We hit the month of June this week, and that means (hopefully) nice weather is here to stay. During the months of June/July/August we always see a slight dip in attendance as people get outdoors to play sports, or enjoy a patio. Four visits a week may turn into three because you have softball on Thursdays…or you want to take your kids to the park. We fully encourage that, healthy living doesn’t mean you are locked up in the gym for all your free time. BUT, it is a slippery slope, be sure to set aside time for the gym so it doesn’t feel like your first day every session. I’ll be monitoring the attendance closely like always, and you will hear from me if it has been a few days.

Ps. I appreciate the heads up emails I get informing me of upcoming missed gym time!

Join the Sublime crew for some tacos and margaritas this Friday at La Roca! We have a reservation starting at 7, all are welcome! Come find out if Cristy will stay awake past 11? Will Brendan critique your food orders? Will Mel harass another in house band? Chat me up if you need any more information.


Foundation – RDL + FSQ + Pull Ups & Rowing

Building – Snatch Complex + OHS + Pull Ups & Rowing



Foundation – Incline Bench + “For Time” (Run/Box Jump/Wall Ball)

Building – Jerk + “For Time” (Run/Box Jump/Wall Ball)



Foundation – TGU & GHR + Scap Pull Up & Planks + Sled Fun & Farmer Walk

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Clean Complex + Sled Fun & Farmer Walk & Bike & KBS



Foundation – Deadlift + DB Bench & Row + FSQ + “For Time” (Rowing/Burpees)

Building = Hi-Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch + FSQ + “For Time” (Rowing/Burpees)



Join Brendan For A Team Workout!

Back Sq + Bench + Pull Ups

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