Week Preview May 27-31

Hey, back to our regular full week of programming with Wednesday as your make up day or active recovery with Stretch and Mobility work. This week Being has a special treat on Friday. 60 min AMRAP! It’s only happened once before. It may never happen again. . . Try it out! Ask your coach for options if there’s a movement you are unfamiliar with.


Foundation: Cross Bench Pullover, Cuban Rotation, SA Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Pike Stretch

Building: Push Jerk

Being: T2B, S2O


Foundation: Row, Calf Raise, V ups, Front Squat, Ring Leg Curl

Building: Hang Pwr Snatch + Sn Deadlift or Back Sq

Being: DU’s, WB, KBS, DB Snatch, SA DB Thruster


Stretch and Mobility


Foundation: Incline BB Bench, Front Lever Pull, Band Neck Pull, Rev Sled Drag, 90/90 stretch

Building: Behind Neck Push Jerk

Being: MU’s, HSPU’s


Foundation: Sled Push, Seated Good Morning, Hang Leg Raise, Bike, Couch Stretch

Building: Hang Pwr Clean, Cln Deadlift or Back Squat

Being: No Foundation or Buidling just: AMRAP 60 – Row, Pwr Clean, Front Squat, T2B, BJSD


Conditioning: Intervals, large variety of movements

Lifting: Snatch, CJ, FS

Being: Add Handstand work to either Lifting or Conditioning

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