Week Preview May 25-30

Heeey, hope you all had a restful long weekend. We’ve been ordered to stop outdoor workouts until end of day Tuesday so you’ll be getting an online workout for Tuesday. We’ve transferred the majority of the outdoor workout slots you would’ve gotten on Tuesday to Wednesday. There should be a press conference at 12:30 on Tuesday confirming whether we can actually resume or not. Your guess is as good as ours how this week is going to play out, but we’re hoping it goes as follows:


Online workout, bodyweight, core, gymnastics


Superman, Calf Raise, Goblet Squat, Couch Stretch + Lifting

Foundation: Bench Press, FS
Building: Back Squat, Front Squat




Incline DB Bench, Inverted Row, Sled Drive + Lifting

Foundation: Hip Thrust, Strict Press
Building: Push Press, Strict Press



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