Week Preview: May 2-7


Can you believe it! With May arriving so do our summer hours, and we say farewell to our Sunday classes, use your Sunday to ride your bike, water ski, high five strangers…whatever gets you moving outdoors. Summer is short, enjoy it while you can!


Also, we are going to start pushing the sled in the parking lot, because we loved the effect it had during our fundraiser. Please make sure to park a few feet back from the building so we have a sled pushing lane. Thanks!

Foundation rolls along in week 2, and Building slides into a new cycle! This upcoming Saturday is our next Sublime Saturday Series event, Powerlifting! Come on in and test your strength in the Bench, Squat, and Deadlift.



Foundation – Bench + DB Row + Abs & Arm Pump

Building – Clean EMOM + Bsq EMOM + Bench EMOM + Deadlift



Foundation – Intervals! (Rowing & Sled)

Building – Parking Lot Sled Push + For Time (KBS/Row)



Foundation – BSQ Or FSQ + UpperBody Accessory + Farmer Walk

Building – Throw a frisbee



Foundation – Catch a frisbee

Building – Snatch EMOM + Pull Ups & FSQ



Everyone 🙂 – Chipper (Row/Bike/Run/Box Jump/Wall Ball/KBS)



Everyone 🙂 – Sublime Saturday Series Power Lifting! (Bench Max/Squat Max/Deadlift Max)

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