Week Preview: March 9 – 14


It’s getting warmer. I hope you took advantage of the beautiful weather today. I spent the day working on a surprise for you all, you’ll have to come in to see it. Also, staying on that, we had awesome attendance in the first week of March. I think this will be the month, right, I CANT miss it again!


Quick Note: A lady stopped in on Friday to ask me to pass a message on to you all. She has very politely asked that when parking on Armstrong you please do not block the side walk coming from her house. She is house number 228 , she has put up a sign that has the same request. Reason being, she has a son who is in a wheelchair and they need the side walk access. So please keep that in mind when parking and you see her sign. Thank you!


Foundation begins week 4/5 and reaches the start of a de-load. Building looks to improve on last weeks numbers with week 2/5.



Foundation – Bench + Upper Body Strength

Building – Jerk + Push Press & Pull Ups + OHS + Core Shredding



Foundation – Front Squat + Lower Body & Some Sled Stuff

Building – Lactic Power (Clean & Bike) + Aerobic Intervals (Burpee/Box Jump/Wall Ball)



Foundation – Low Intensity Aerobic Work (Everything Imaginable)

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – Snatch + Front Squat + Row Intervals & Bike Sprint



Foundation – Back Squat + Split Squat + Gymnastic Strength

Building – Open 15.3



Foundation – Press + Gymnastic Strength + Mixed MAP (WB/KBS/BJ/Bike)

Building – C&J + Back Squat + Gymnastic Strength + Buncha Chins & A Buncha Push Ups

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