Hey everybody! So it looks like Spring might be around the corner! We’ve had a couple amazing days to be outside for some steady state easy recovery work like walking and light jogging. And what a relief it is to breath the fresh air and get sunshine on your face.
You’ve all done an incredible job of beginning the process of exercising at home. The first week was a huge success! You’ve also done an amazing job of supporting each other and maintaining connection with your community. I am very confident that this group is going to come out stronger at the end of this experience.
So that’s what we’re going to push forward with this week. When everything is shifting around every day we’re gonna try and focus on little things to maintain balance during this time.
This week you’re going to see 6 days of activity to choose from, but also I’m going to post small things that you can try to incorporate relating broadly to eating, sleeping and managing stress.
Superman, Extn. Rotation, Deadbug, Shoulder press, Tib Raise, Jump Squats, Front Squats, Lunges, Push Press
Whiteboard Workout!!
Bonus: Group KP walk outside.
Recovery – stretching and outdoor steady state cardio
Step ups, Curls, Glute Bridge, Split Squat, Side Plank, Burpees, Push ups, Air Squats
Bonus: Group KP walk outside.
Sissy Squats, Cross Bench Pullover, Goblet Squats, Trap 3, Skipping, DB Snatch or Thruster, Handstand or HSPU work.
Hard Interval Conditioning