Week Preview: March 28 – April 2

So we reach April this week, survived another winter 🙂

On Saturday we wrapped up the Sublime & CrossFit Open. Congrats to all of you who participated, it was a fun 5 weeks. Winners will be announced soon! Up next in the Sublime Saturday Series is the CrossFit for the Community event on April 23rd (still need a few folks to round out teams / still looking for a few volunteers), and the Powerlifting event on May 7th! The schedule for the year is as follows:

April 23: CrossFit For The Community

May 7: Powerlift Off (Squat/Bench/Deadlift)

June 18: 2000M Row Challenge

July 23: Run The Mud Hero! (Early Bird Registration is April 11)

  • Brendan and Gail have reserved an 11:00am time slot, spaces are limited!

August 6-7: The Starke Games (Being Group)

September 17: 5km Run

October 22: Baseline Challenge

November 19: CrossFit Throw Down

December 17: Sublime Lift Off (Snatch/C&J)


Okay, Foundation begins a new cycle in week 1/4. We will continue to build the Bsq & Bench. If you have stalled on the Bsq please send me an email or talk with me in the gym for information on how to progress. Building bumps the volume back up as they wrap up week 4/4.


Foundation – Bench + Bsq + Midline & Upperbody

Building – Snatch + Press & Fsq + Db PP & W.L



Foundation – LP Work (Row/Sled)

Building – Intervals (Midline/Push Ups/Rows)



Foundation – Landmine Press + RDL & Knee Break Ankle Mob + A New Paloff Press + Shoulder & Bicep Work

Building – Rest



Foundation – Rest

Building – P-Clean + Deadlift + Chins + GHR & Ring Row



Foundation – Intervals (Bike/KBS/Skip/WB)

Building – Intervals (Rowing/Bike)



Foundation – Fsq & Chin Ups + Peterson Step Up + Midline Intervals

Building – “For Time” (Cleans&BB Burpees)

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