Week Preview March 27-April 1

We have a short week this coming week. It was busy, busy, busy last week so make sure you sign up. If the class you want to come to is full just text me and I can let you know if there’s room.


CBP, Cuban Rotation, Farmers Walk, Sled Push, Ham Stretch

Foundation: Pendlay Row, BS

Building: 3 position snatch, clean deadlift


Row, S.L. Calf Raise, V-ups, FS, Ring Curls

+ Conditioning


Conditioning & Stretch


Skip, Seated Shoulder Press, Chins, Sled Drag, 90/90 Stretch

Foundation: DL, Landmine Press

Building: 3 pos clean + FS, Push Press


Holiday!! Hopefully there won’t be a blizzard and you can do something active outside today


Partner Workout!! Spy vs. Spy

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